Tom grinned affectionately at him. "Ain’t he a heller?" he said. And Grampa’s mouth was so full that he couldn’t even splutter, but his mean little eyes smiled, and he nodded his head violently.
Granma said proudly, "A wicketer, cussin’er man never lived. He’s goin’ to hell on a poker, praise Gawd! Wants to drive the truck!" she said spitefully. "Well, he ain’t goin’ ta."

– John Steinbeck

The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 8. She may be devoutly religious, but there is no holding back Granma Joad’s tongue when it comes to her speaking her mind. When Tom Joad affectionately describes Grampa as a "heller" – a wild person – Granma calls him a wicked man who is going straight to hell. There is no way that Grampa is going to drive the family to California, Granma vows. There’s no mistaking who is the boss there.