Grampa walked up and slapped Tom on the chest, and his eyes grinned with affection and pride. "How are ya, Tommy?"
"O.K.," said Tom. "How ya keepin’ yaself?"
"Full a piss an’ vinegar," said Grampa. His mind jumped. "Jus’ like I said, they ain’t a gonna keep no Joad in jail. I says, ‘Tommy’ll come a-bustin’ outa that jail like a bull through a corral fence.’ An’ you done it. Get outa my way, I’m hungry."

– John Steinbeck

The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 8. When Grampa Joad enthusiastically greets Tom, he mistakingly believes that his grandson has broken out of jail. No prison is strong enough to hold a Joad, boasts the old patriarch.