DANFORTH: Is it possible, child, that the spirits you have seen are illusion only, some deception that may cross your mind when – ?
ABIGAIL: Why, this – this – is a base question, sir.
DANFORTH: Child, I would have you consider it – .
ABIGAIL : I have been hurt, Mr. Danforth; I have seen my blood runnin’ out! I have been near to murdered every day because I done my duty pointing out the Devil’s people – and this is my reward? To be mistrusted, denied, questioned like a – .
DANFORTH: Child, I do not mistrust you – .
ABIGAIL: Let you beware, Mr. Danforth. Think you to be so mighty that the power of Hell may not turn your wits? Beware of it!

– Arthur Miller

The Crucible, Act 3. Abigail puts on an impressive display of her power in the witch trials court, when she manipulates and openly threatens Judge Danforth. The powerful head of the court is landed with a headache when Mary Warren provides evidence that the girls were all lying when they spoke of seeing spirits and the Devil. But when Danforth questions Abigail on her truthfulness, warning that "to God every soul is precious and His vengeance is terrible on them that take life without cause," she shows who is the real power in the courtroom. Launching into a rant about being attacked by demonic spirits, the master manipulator threatens Danforth with accusations of being in league with the Devil. Abby knows that if anyone poses a threat to her, all she has to do is accuse them of witchcraft. She is also aware that Danforth and the court rely on her testimony to prove that those accused of witchcraft are guilty.