STANLEY: You think I’ll interfere with you? Ha-ha!
[The "blue piano" goes softly. She turns confusedly and makes a faint gesture. The inhuman jungle voices rise up. He takes a step toward her, biting his tongue which protrudes between his lips.]
STANLEY [softly]: Come to think of it – maybe you wouldn’t be bad to – interfere with.

– Tennessee Williams

A Streetcar Named Desire, Scene 10. There is a sinister sexual tone in Stanley’s voice as he confronts Blanche in his silk pajamas and wonders what she would be like to "interfere with." Animal imagery about "inhuman jungle voices" and Stanley biting on his protruding tongue suggest a primal animal intent to satisfy his desire. Again we hear the "blue piano" music heightening the atmosphere of tension. Stanley’s sexual assault on Blanche is foreshadowed here.