[The bottle cap pops off and a geyser of foam shoots up. Stanley laughs happily, holding up the bottle over his head.]
Ha-ha! Rain from heaven! [He extends the bottle toward her] Shall we bury the hatchet and make it a loving-cup? Huh?

– Tennessee Williams

A Streetcar Named Desire, Scene 10. Stanley, alone in the apartment with Blanche while his wife is in hospital, celebrates becoming a father with a bottle of beer. The cap popping off his bottle, geyser of foam shooting up and Stanley raising the bottle victoriously over his head, is full of phallic symbolism. It is a metaphor for sex and foreshadows what will follow in this scene, Stanley’s sexual triumph over Blanche. His invitation to Blanche to share "a loving-cup" is filled with double meaning and sexual intent. Beer is one of Stanley’s great pleasures is beer, in a metaphor he compares to "rain from heaven."