You can’t beat on a woman an’ then call ‘er back! She won’t come! And her goin’ t’ have a baby!… You stinker! You whelp of a Polack, you! I hope they do haul you in and turn the fire hose on you, same as the last time!

– Tennessee Williams

A Streetcar Named Desire, Scene 3. After being hit by Stanley, Stella with the help of her sister has fled to the safety of Eunice’s apartment upstairs. From there Eunice lambasts Stanley, who is calling for his wife from the sidewalk below. Eunice is a strong woman and one of the few people to stand up to Stanley. She pulls no punches in telling him what a low-life he is for beating his pregnant wife. From her words, it is clear that it is not the first time Stanley has been violent towards Stella.