[Stanley stumbles half dressed out to the porch and down the wooden steps to the pavement before the building. There he throws back his head like a baying hound and bellows his wife’s name: "Stella! Stella, sweetheart! Stella!"]
STANLEY: Stellahhhhh!… I want my baby down here. Stella, Stella!

– Tennessee Williams

A Streetcar Named Desire, Scene 3. Stanley realizes that Stella has left him and fled to Eunice’s room after he abused her. Now sobered up he is filled with remorse over hitting his wife. He is on the sidewalk wet and half dressed and screaming up to Eunice’s apartment window. His cries are like that of an injured animal howling for his mate. A fitting animal simile compares him to a "baying hound." In contrast to his previous aggressive and dominant behavior, Stanley is presented here as a vulnerable and pathetic male. At the thought of losing the woman he can’t live without, the raging and abusive drunk turns into a tender and loving husband.