STANLEY: Well, this somebody named Shaw is under the impression he met you in Laurel, but I figure he must have got you mixed up with some other party because this other party is someone he met at a hotel called the Flamingo.
[Blanche laughs breathlessly as she touches the cologne-dampened handkerchief to her temples.]
BLANCHE: I’m afraid he does have me mixed up with this "other party." The Hotel Flamingo is not the sort of establishment I would dare to be seen in!

– Tennessee Williams

A Streetcar Named Desire, Scene 5. Fearing that her murky past is about to catch up with her, Blanche lies to Stanley. He begins to chip at her carefully crafted facade of innocence and proper behavior she hides her true self behind. He tells her that a friend named Shaw claims to have met her at the disreputable Hotel Flamingo in Laurel. Blanche denies any connection with such a seedy place. Stanley is the first person to see through Blanche’s show of conservatism and respectability. From her nervous appearance, he knows she is lying to him.