[He seizes her arm]
Don’t you ever talk that way to me. "Pig – Polack – disgusting – vulgar – greasy!" – them kind of words have been on your tongue and your sister’s too much around here. What do you think you are, a pair of queens? Remember what Huey Long said – "Every man’s a King!" And I am the king around here, so don’t forget it!

– Tennessee Williams

A Streetcar Named Desire, Scene 8. Seizing Stella by the arm, Stanley tells her that he is the metaphorical "king" of the household. This is after she complains that he is making a pig of himself and his face and fingers are disgustingly greasy. It is the evening of Blanche’s birthday party, Mitch hasn’t turned up, and Stanley feels that his wife and sister Blanche are metaphorical "queens" who have no respect for him. He’s right of course. The theme of social class is shown here as Stanley feels the sisters are treating him as an inferior.