The treasure chest of a pirate!… Pearls! Ropes of them! What is this sister of yours, a deep-sea diver who brings up sunken treasure? Or is she the champion safe-cracker of all time! Bracelets of solid gold, too! Where are your pearls and gold bracelets?

– Tennessee Williams

A Streetcar Named Desire, Scene 2. Stanley’s intense dislike for Blanche is laid bare when he rips through her trunks and pulls out her personal belongings. He uses a metaphor to compare what he finds to a pirate’s treasure chest. Blanche’s jewels may be fake costume jewelry, but Stanley believes they are the real deal. He sarcastically says Blanche must have been a pirate, deep-sea diver or champion safe cracker to acquire such wealth. He bitterly asks where Stella’s pearls and gold bracelets are, reflecting the theme of social class.