You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need. – Jerry Gillies
People who make money often make mistakes, and even have major setbacks, but they believe they will eventually prosper, and they see every setback as a lesson to be applied in their move towards success. – Jerry Gillies
Confront your fears, list them, get to know them, and only then will you be able to put them aside and move ahead. – Jerry Gillies
What you do is more important than how much you make, and how you feel about it is more important than what you do. – Jerry Gillies
Making a million dollars is the simplest thing in the world. Just find a product that sells for $2,000 and that you can buy at a cost of $1,000, and sell a thousand of them. – Jerry Gillies
It takes a lot more energy to fail than to succeed, since it takes a lot of concentrated energy to hold on to beliefs that don’t work. – Jerry Gillies