We think our leadership has been too timid to go after corruption, and often times, they bow to the liberal progressive demands of the White House instead of standing up for our values. – John Fleming
For nearly a century, Republican-controlled Houses held the line on tax rates, a Republican coup de pointe to Democratic tax-increase parries. – John Fleming
Republicans must stop putting tax increases on the fiscal cliff negotiating table and start demanding that Democrats put forth serious proposals to reduce spending. – John Fleming
It’s all about secular unionism, the advancement of atheism, which they even tried to create in this law – Democrats did – an atheistic chaplaincy. – John Fleming
The government should not have the right to force you to participate in some type of behavior that is going to conflict with your conscience rights, and if it does or potentially does, you should have the ability to have access to courts, and currently, that’s not necessarily the case. – John Fleming
Uninsured care happens in this country, and here’s the problem. It’s not properly accounted for. The people who pay for uninsured care at the moment are the hospitals and the doctors and all of the medical providers. – John Fleming
Let’s be clear: raising taxes during a very slow recovery is likely to lead to another recession, and it will do absolutely nothing to balance the budget. – John Fleming
Everybody who is a Republican wants to call themselves conservative even if they don’t necessarily vote that way. – John Fleming
It’s possible that in the future, women could be drafted not only into the military… but actually drafted into combat. I’m very uncomfortable with that. – John Fleming
The liberal social experiment with our military continues. A same-sex marriage-like ceremony should not have occurred at Fort Polk, especially since the people of Louisiana have made it abundantly clear that our state does not recognize same-sex marriages or civil unions. – John Fleming
We need to cut the capital gains tax; we need to take regulations off the backs of business and allow banks to once again lend. – John Fleming
I think among different members there had been concerns that the RSC had grown so large, and it had many members who really didn’t have that conservative voting records, which really is a testimony to what a positive brand conservatism is. – John Fleming
We have an unprecedented number of primary care doctors who are opting out of Medicare. – John Fleming
Washington faces many challenges these days, and today’s United States Senate needs more trusted conservatives going there to make decisions and choices that put the people first and not the business-as-usual crowd. – John Fleming
Now that we have the Senate and the House fully controlled by Republicans, we need to be working together. – John Fleming
We’ll keep sending more and more conservatives to Washington, and we’ll eventually get these bills passed. But don’t be afraid to pass good, strong, conservative legislation. – John Fleming
I want to see the farm piece passed, but the nearly a trillion dollars in SNAP spending for food stamps is way too much. – John Fleming
President Obama is more and more beginning to look like the hypocrite-in-chief when it comes to the war on terrorism. All sorts of things that he criticized the president for, he’s actually continued and even extended. This drone attack program, he’s got it at the highest level ever. – John Fleming
The polls are with us on this. They say the American people, more than anything, want to see spending cuts rather than tax increases. – John Fleming
The Freedom Caucus, like many of the members, feel like that we have too much of a top-heavy, power-based type of leadership program where the decisions are made exclusively at the top and that members voices are not heard, which means that our constituents’ voices are not heard: those that we represent. – John Fleming
There is no ground on which House Republican leaders should compromise until Democrats are finally ready to give up their spending addiction. – John Fleming
I’m concerned that Speaker Boehner is getting ahead of House Republicans when he commits to getting a ‘comprehensive approach’ to immigration taken care of ‘once and for all.’ – John Fleming
At any time, somebody can blow themselves up and take Americans with them. They can blow up an airplane; they can crash an airplane. That’s something we have to worry about every day – we spend 40 billion dollars yearly on homeland security. That has nothing to do with Crusades or any of that other nonsense. – John Fleming