"You ain’t goin’. We’re a-takin’ you. Al, you back the truck against the door. Now, I got it figgered out. We’ll put one mattress on the bottom, an’ then Tom gets quick there, an’ we take another mattress an’ sort of fold it so it makes a cave, an’ he’s in the cave; and then we sort of wall it in. He can breathe out the end, ya see. Don’t argue. That’s what we’ll do."
– John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 26. Ma Joad takes command of the family, coming up with a plan to keep everyone together, despite Tom being hunted for killing a policeman. That night Tom goes into isolation, hiding between two matresses in the truck as they drive north from the Hooper Ranch. Ma is adament that the family stays as one unit, because there is strength in unity.