I had rather than forty shillings I had my Book of Songs and Sonnets here. – William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 1, Scene 1.
Here will be an old abusing of God’s patience and the king’s English. – William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 1, Scene 4.
We have some salt of our youth in us. – William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 2, Scene 3.
This is the third time; I hope good luck lies in odd numbers…There is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, chance, or death. – William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 5, Scene 1.
Why, then the world’s mine oyster, Which I with sword will open. – William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 2, Scene 2.
I will make a Star-chamber matter of it. – William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 1, Scene 1.
She has brown hair, and speaks small like a woman. – William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 1, Scene 1.
O, what a world of vile ill-favoured faults Looks handsome in three hundred pounds a year! – William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 3, Scene 4.
This is the short and the long of it. – William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 2, Scene 2.
A woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart. – William Shakespeare The Merry Wives of Windsor, Act 3, Scene 4, Mistress Quickly.