The Picture of Dorian Gray Quotes

Society – civilized society, at least – is never very ready to believe anything to the detriment of those who are both rich and fascinating. It feels instinctively that manners are of more importance than morals, and, in its opinion, the highest respectability is of much less value than the possession of a good chef.

– Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chapter 11. In this passage Wilde lashes out at the hypocrisy of Victorian high society. Amid the swirling rumors about Dorian’s sordid behavior his great wealth provides for him a protective shield. For this society is slow to believe anything bad about people like Dorian who are "both rich and fascinating." Manners are regarded as more important than morals. The rest of this passage suggests that what makes good art also makes for a good society and insincerity even may be good thing: "And, after all, it is a very poor consolation to be told that the man who has given one a bad dinner, or poor wine, is irreproachable in his private life. Even the cardinal virtues cannot atone for half-cold entrées, as Lord Henry remarked once, in a discussion on the subject; and there is possibly a good deal to be said for his view. For the canons of good society are, or should be, the same as the canons of art. Form is absolutely essential to it. It should have the dignity of a ceremony, as well as its unreality, and should combine the insincere character of a romantic play with the wit and beauty that make such plays delightful to us. Is insincerity such a terrible thing? I think not. It is merely a method by which we can multiply our personalities."

But you, Dorian, with your pure, bright, innocent face, and your marvellous, untroubled youth – I can’t believe anything against you. And yet I see you very seldom, and you never come down to the studio now, and when I am away from you, and I hear all these hideous things that people are whispering about you, I don’t know what to say. Why is it, Dorian, that a man like the Duke of Berwick leaves the room of a club when you enter it? Why is it that so many gentlemen in London will neither go to your house or invite you to theirs?…Why is your friendship so fatal to young men? There was that wretched boy in the Guards who committed suicide. You were his great friend. There was Sir Henry Ashton, who had to leave England with a tarnished name. You and he were inseparable. What about Adrian Singleton and his dreadful end? What about Lord Kent’s only son and his career? I met his father yesterday in St. James’s Street. He seemed broken with shame and sorrow. What about the young Duke of Perth? What sort of life has he got now? What gentleman would associate with him?…You have filled them with a madness for pleasure. They have gone down into the depths. You led them there. Yes: you led them there, and yet you can smile, as you are smiling now.

– Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chapter 12. Basil finds it difficult to believe the rumors about Dorian’s disreputable behavior because he looks so pure and innocent and youthful. But he confronts his friend about the hidious things being whispered about him. He speaks of a boy Dorian was great friends with who committed suicide, another man he was close to who had to leave England with a tarnished name, a young Duke that no gentleman would now associate with. In his search for hedonistic pleasure, Dorian stands accused of ruining many reputations and destroying lives, including his young friend Adrian Singleton whom he introduced to opium addiction. Basil accuses Dorian of filling these men with "a madness for pleasure" and leading them "down into the depths." Although Wilde does not explicitedly describe any practice of homosexuality associated with Dorian, he strongly hints that Dorian had relationships with many young male aristocrats. Wilde, who went to jail for his homosexuality, said that his character Dorian was "what I would like to be – in other ages, perhaps."