Thow lookest as thou woldest fynde an hare,
For ever upon the ground I se thee stare.
Approche neer, and looke up murily;
Now war yow, sires, and lat this man have place.
He in the waast is shape as wel as I;
This were a popet in an arm t’embrace
For any womman, smal and fair of face.
He semeth elvyssh by his contenaunce,
For unto no wight dooth he daliaunce.
– Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales, The Prologue to Sir Thopas. The Host Harry Bailly describes Chaucer the Pilgrim. He is small, fair of face, stares a lot at the ground and doesn’t gossip with anyone. The Host calls Chaucer to him to invite him tell his tale.