LINDA: I’m just wondering if Oliver will remember him. You think he might?
WILLY (coming out of the bathroom in his pajamas): Remember him? What’s the matter with you, you crazy? If he’d’ve stayed with Oliver he’d be on top by now! Wait’ll Oliver gets a look at him. You don’t know the average caliber any more. The average young man today – (he is getting into bed) – is got a caliber of zero. Greatest thing in the world for him was to bum around.

– Arthur Miller

Death of a Salesman, Act 1. A delusional Willy is in denial about Biff. He deceives himself into believing that his son was more than just a humble shipping clerk when he worked for Oliver. To Willy Biff is superior to the regular young man and will impress his former employer Oliver enough for him to invest in Biff’s business idea. Linda indulges Willy’s delusions.