WILLY (unable to resist): And if anything falls off the desk while you’re talking to him – like a package or something – don’t you pick it up. They have office boys for that.
LINDA: I’ll make a big breakfast…
WILLY: Will you let me finish? (To Biff.) Tell him you were in the business in the West. Not farm work.

– Arthur Miller

Death of a Salesman, Act 1. Willy teaches his sons that they are superior to everybody else, something he believes will make them successful but in fact makes them unsuccessful. He urges Biff in his meeting with Oliver not to behave like his servant by picking up anything that falls off his desk. Showing his failure as a father, he suggests that Biff lie about being a farm worker and instead say that he has been in business in the West. He also disrespects his wife Linda by rudely interrupting her when she tries to speak,