WILLY: I – I just can’t work for you, Charley.
CHARLEY: What’re you, jealous of me?
WILLY: I can’t work for you, that’s all, don’t ask me why.
CHARLEY (angered, takes out more bills) You been jealous of me all your life, you damned fool. Here, pay your insurance. (He puts the money in Willy’s hand).
WILLY: I’m keeping strict accounts.

– Arthur Miller

Death of a Salesman, Act 2. Willy’s pride keeps him from accepting a job offer from his friend Charley. However, it doesn’t prevent him from taking another cash bailout from his successful and generous neighbor. An angry Charley is offended and scolds Willy for turning down his offer of employment. But he goes along with the pretence that the money is a "loan" in order to save both their prides.