BIFF: Remember that big Betsy something – what the hell was her name – over on Bushwick Avenue?
HAPPY (combing his hair): With the collie dog!
BIFF: That’s the one. I got you in there, remember?
HAPPY: Yeah, that was my first time – I think. Boy, there was a pig. (They laugh, almost crudely.) You taught me everything I know about women. Don’t forget that.
BIFF. I bet you forgot how bashful you used to be. Especially with girls.

– Arthur Miller

Death of a Salesman, Act 1. The Loman brothers’ very unflattering view of women is on display in this banter during a visit to their parents’ home. Happy is particularly cruel and disrespectful when talking about his first sexual experience. He shows himself to be a misogynistic character as he demeaningly characterizes and body shames the female concerned "big Betsy" as a "pig." Both he and Biff share a crude laugh as they reminisce about the encounter.