(Music is heard as behind a scrim, to the left of the house; The Woman, dimly seen, is dressing.)
WILLY (with great feeling): You’re the best there is, Linda, you’re a pal, you know that? On the road – on the road I want to grab you sometimes and just kiss the life outa you.
(The laughter is loud now, and he moves into a brightening area at the left, where The Woman has come from behind the scrim and is standing, putting on her hat, looking into a "mirror" and laughing.)

– Arthur Miller

Death of a Salesman, Act 1. Willy’s deceitful ways are shown here. While he assures Linda how he misses and longs for her while on the road, The Woman he’s been having an affair with is seen laughing and dressing. Willy’s hallucination of her is an expression of his guilty conscience over his betrayal of Linda.