"’Them goddamn gov’ment camps,’ he says ‘Give people hot water, an’ they gonna want hot water. Give ’em flush toilets, an’ they gonna want ’em.’ He says, ‘You give them goddamn Okies stuff like that an’ they’ll want ’em.’ An’ he says, ‘They hol’ red meetin’s in them gov’ment camps. All figgerin’ how to git on relief,’ he says."

– John Steinbeck

The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 24. The prejudice of California police towards the migrants and their hostility towards the government relief camps is highlighted here. The police don’t want migrants to enjoy some dignity and the hot water and flush toilets of the camps. In this passage a police deputy at one of the non-government camps is being quoted by a Weedpatch Central Committee member who overheard his remarks.