The games were over now. The gathered armies scattered,
each man to his fast ship, and fighters turned their minds
to thoughts of food and the sweet warm grip of sleep.
But Achilles kept on grieving for his friend,
the memory burning on…
and all-subduing sleep could not take him,
not now, he turned and twisted, side to side,
he longed for Patroclus’ manhood, his gallant heart –
What rough campaigns they’d fought to an end together.
what hardships they had suffered, cleaving their way
through wars of men and pounding waves at sea.

– Homer

The Iliad, Book 24, lines 1-11. The games celebrating Patroclus are over, but the grieving Achilles cannot sleep. He twists and turns and longs for his beloved friend and comrade-in-arms, with whom he had shared many campaigns and hardhips. Clearly a very strong bond of friendship and love bound the two men.