"Dear old ram, why last of the flock to quit the cave?
In the good old days you’d never lag behind the rest
…Sick at heart for your master’s eye
that coward gouged out with his wicked crew? –
only after he’d stunned my wits with wine –
that, that Nobody…
who’s not escaped his death, I swear, not yet.
Oh if only you thought like me, had words like me
to tell me where that scoundrel is cringing from my rage!"

– Homer

The Odyssey, Book 9, lines 498-499, 505-511. We hear ironic words from the blinded Polyphemus as he speaks to the leader of his flock. He thinks the ram is lagging behind the rest today, because he is sickened over his master’s injuries at the hands of Odysseus. He doesn’t know that crafty Odysseus is clinging to the underneath of the ram making his escape.