"Now here’s your plan of action, step by step.
The moment Circe strikes with her long thin wand,
you draw your sharp sword sheathed at your hip
and rush her fast as if to run her through!
She’ll cower in fear and coax you to her bed –
but don’t refuse the goddess’ bed, not then, not if
she’s to release your friends and treat you well yourself.
But have her swear the binding oath of the blessed gods
she’ll never plot some new intrigue to harm you,
once you lie there naked –
never unman you, strip away your courage!"

– Homer

The Odyssey, Book 10, lines 325-334. Hermes explains to Odysseus a strategy to help deal with Circe and save his friends from her. Here we see the gods once again intervening in the fates of mortals, in this case to help Odysseus.