To solve a problem it is necessary to think. It is necessary to think even to decide what facts to collect. – Robert M. Hutchins
Let us account for all we see by the facts we know. If there are things for which we cannot account, let us wait for light. – Robert Green Ingersoll
But, as we have before been led to remark, most of Mr. Darwin’s statements elude, by their vagueness and incompleteness, the test of Natural History facts. – Richard Owen
General principles… are to the facts as the root and sap of a tree are to its leaves. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Civil libertarians have raised concerns that some of the Patriot Act’s provisions infringe on Constitutional rights. Those concerns are not supported by the facts. – Roger Wicker
I would say in just about every investigation we have, there will be differences of opinion, where you have partial facts, as to what those facts mean. – Robert Mueller
Science has nothing in common with religion. Facts and miracles never did and never will agree. – Robert Green Ingersoll
The main part of intellectual education is not the acquisition of facts, but learning how to make facts live. – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Cosmologists have attempted to account for the day-to-day laws you find in textbooks in terms of fundamental ‘superlaws,’ but the superlaws themselves must still be accepted as brute facts. So maybe the ultimate laws of nature will always be off-limits to science. – Paul Davies
He is indebted to his memory for his jests and to his imagination for his facts. – Richard Brinsley Sheridan
You actually can be passionate about things like making rational decisions based on a thorough airing of the facts, a reasonable and informed debate, a respect for the Constitution that includes, um, knowing about it. – Rachel Sklar
Governments have always been wary of the arts because they’re wayward and ambiguous and because they deal with feelings rather than facts. – Richard Eyre
As I said before, there are often disagreements as to what a particular set of facts mean. That is not at all unusual, and one shouldn’t read into it more than is there. – Robert Mueller
Given a choice between their worldview and the facts, it’s always interesting how many people toss the facts. – Rebecca Solnit
Simple people… are very quick to see the live facts which are going on about them. – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
I’ve only written one science-fiction book: ‘Fahrenheit 451.’ That book is a book based on real facts and my hatred of people who destroy books. – Ray Bradbury