Our party is not white or Black, Hispanic or Asian, immigrant or indigenous. It is all of us. – Kamala Harris
We in the Hispanic community are truly tired of both the Democrats and the Republicans promising all of these things during the campaigns and then forgetting about it after the campaigns are over. – Jorge Ramos
There are some Chicanos who don’t want to be Chicanos – they want to be Mexican-American, Hispanic, or even Spanish. – Cheech Marin
There are features that African Americans have that are similar! There are features that white people have that are similar! Features that Hispanic people have that are similar! – Don Lemon
Hispanic values are conservative values. Hispanics are highly religious, they’re very strongly pro-traditional family… not only pro-family, but also pro-life. They are highly patriotic. – Rafael Cruz
BOLD PAC is Hispanic first, Democratic second. And it’s a close, close second because we do not engage in endorsing non-Democrats. – Tony Cardenas
Kmart is incredibly supportive of the Hispanic community and is therefore an ideal partner for my exclusive collection. – Thalia