We don’t have a monopoly. Anyone who wants to dig a well without a Hughes bit can always use a pick and shovel. – Howard Hughes
Amazon is not a monopoly or a monopsony, and even if it were, that by itself isn’t illegal. – J. A. Konrath
In terms of other functions, we are making a mistake about insisting on a public school monopoly. – James Q. Wilson
Whereas a competitive firm must sell at the market price, a monopoly owns its market, so it can set its own prices. Since it has no competition, it produces at the quantity and price combination that maximizes its profits. – Peter Thiel
Monopoly controls have been the exception in free societies; they have been the rule in closed societies. – Lawrence Lessig
Incredible that liberals aren’t more concerned about the monopoly of information in South Dakota. – Laura Ingraham
A monopoly on the means of communication may define a ruling elite more precisely than the celebrated Marxian formula of monopoly in the means of production. – Robert Anton Wilson
Television enjoys a de facto monopoly on what goes into the heads of a significant part of the population and what they think. – Pierre Bourdieu
If the auto companies were free agents, they would act to break the fuel monopoly that is so damaging to their own interests and those of their customers. But they are not, and so they won’t. – Robert Zubrin