Third, we could, while denouncing them both as illegal, have acquiesced in them both and thus remained neutral with both sides, although not agreeing with either as to the righteousness of their respective orders. – George William Norris
He who has a task to perform must know how to take sides, or he is quite unworthy of it. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Manhattan’s probably one of the bluest parts in the country, and Indiana’s definitely one of the redder states. I have sympathy for both sides. – Jim Gaffigan
I had a faux-hawk for a while and I used to buzz the sides and design it. It was really bad. – Joe Jonas
It is necessary to suppress any extremist actions, on all sides, regardless of their origin. – Vladimir Putin
I’m not embarrassed that I’m mixed. I’m not ashamed that I’m mixed. I very much embraced both sides. – Sasha Lane